Friday, April 12, 2013

Fancy/Funky Friday: Patterns Frivolla & Carmen

Today's patterns each use diamond shapes in a unique way...

First, the "fancy": Pattern Frivolla

Why it's "fancy": Whether up-close or at a distance, this pattern is elegant and lace-like with its emphasis on overlapping curves and loops.

Why it's great: The straight lines of the repeated diamond shapes stand out in contrast to the arcs and curves.

And now, the "funky": Pattern Carmen

Why it's "funky": There's a lot going on in this pattern, including floral designs that fill out diamond shapes, thin figure-eights, stretched sine waves, and ovals decorated with eye-like circles at either end.

Why it's great: I love the feathery quality of some of the lines, and the line variance between thin and thick. It gives it a handmade, vintage feel, even though it's a digitally designed pattern.


Click here to see all posts related to "Fancy/Funky Friday" 

Shameless plug time: Love my patterns? I incorporate them into a lot of the artwork I create, from stationery for Invites by Andrea to the watercolors I paint. Check out Invites by Andrea's website to see examples of these patterns in use or drop me a line at to let me know what you think!

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