Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday and Winter Parties

It's that time of year again - the season of holidays and all the holiday parties that go with it. Of course there are certain traditions and activities already planned for such events depending on the holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, New Year's Eve), but what about ideas for other parties that aren't so holiday-specific? My friends and I have a "Birchristmakwanzukkahsolstice" party every year - so named because it's not really about the many holidays at all (or my/my husband's birthday around the same time), but about seeing each other again now that we're all back home for a winter break from work or school.

One of the most fun traditions we've done the past few years is a game called "tele-draw" (which has now been adapted into board game form and marketed as "Telestrations," though we've been playing it since 2007). You start by creating small packets of paper - enough for each person at the party to have one sheet of paper - and then staple them in one corner so it's fastened but still easy to flip through. The first person writes a word or phrase - anything they want - and then passes it to the next person, who then has to try to draw (on the second page) whatever the first person wrote (on the first page). After drawing, the second person folds down the original written phrase so that the next person will only be able to see their drawing and passes it on. The third person has to try to guess what the word or phrase was based on the drawing, and it goes back and forth between writing and drawing until the packet has made it all the way around the circle. It's like a mixture between Pictionary and Telephone and the end results are hilarious!

Another idea for a non-holiday-specific winter party is to enjoy the snowy weather! It doesn't matter if you're ten or thirty - sledding down a snow-covered hill is just plain fun! Dress warmly, go to an appropriately sized hill (it helps if you go after dark so it's not overrun with children), and have fun! All the adult stress in your life will melt away and you'll feel like a kid again!

Or, have a hot beverage party! (This could be a good idea for the aftermath of your sledding adventure, as well). Turn your kitchen into a hot beverage factory and try all different kinds of hot chocolate (try adding caramel, delicious flavors of extract, cinnamon sticks, or mints and other hard candies, and see what flavor combinations you can create). Get different flavors of marshmallows and whipped cream and stock up on festive sprinkles for toppings. Donuts and cookies are great companions to dip in your steaming mugs of hot chocolate. And if that doesn't sound fun and exciting enough for you, make sure to get some Irish cream, eggnog, or alcohol-infused whipped cream* to liven up the party. ;)

(*I am not kidding. This exists.)

Whatever you choose to celebrate, and however you decide to do it, make sure to enjoy the season. I love how beautiful winter can be, but it can also be frigid and bleak - and the best solution to beating the winter blues is to meet up with family and friends and create warm new memories.

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