Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Results Party Ideas

Happy Election Day, Americans! If you're over 18, make sure you get out there and VOTE before the day is over!

Then, once you've done your democratic duty, invite your politically-inclined friends over for an Election Results party!

If you can manage it, grab several different TVs or computer monitors and congregate them all in a central location so you can see the results pour in from several different media outlets at once. Then, have fun with "drinking games" (if you're not into getting wasted on a Tuesday night - or are too young to consume alcohol - you can always change the rules to "eat an M&M" or "take a sip of pop"), and complete the desired activity anytime you hear key words and phrases (like Democrat, Republican, "polls closed," etc.) or your state's name.

In between results, quiz your guests on presidential trivia of past elections, or get some bets going on the projected outcomes of different races (on a national, state-wide, and local level).

Serve patriotic foods like apple pie and hot dogs, or pick foods from the candidate's home (such as Chicago deep dish pizza for Obama, and Michigan brands like Vernor's ginger ale and Kellogg's corn flakes for Romney). Finally, conduct your own "exit poll" by making donkey and elephant shaped sugar cookies and watching which plate gets emptied first!

And don't forget the party decor! :)


Need party invitations? Check out my custom stationery at InvitesbyAndrea.com!

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