Friday, November 11, 2011

Fancy/Funky Friday: Patterns Maya & Francesca

Happy 11/11/11! Make a wish! ;)

All done? Good, because now it's time for another Fancy/Funky Friday!

First, the "fancy": Pattern Maya

This is the first pattern I've shown with more than two colors; I just love the way it looks when the colors change. The roundness of the pattern unit was so indicative of a stamp to me that I wanted the different colors to play that up. But it looks good in a single color, as well!

This "fancy" pattern has a bit of "funky" to it as well, but ultimately I think the thinness of the lines and the intricacies of the pattern you can see when you look at it up close tip it into the "fancy" category. It has a good mix of detailed, busy areas and calm white space. Wouldn't it make a great pattern for a skirt or dress? The individual lines look elegant, but as a whole it looks unique and more modern, since it has a stamped-like quality.

And now, the "funky": Pattern Francesca

This pattern is very simple because each individual pattern unit is small and simple. I used a very angular, stereotypically-Greek looking font (like the kind found in the logo of almost every Coney Restaurant in Metro Detroit) to create the units. Each one has a capital "C" and "E" pointed toward each other in an almost primitive heart-shape. The lines are thick and simplified, but when the units are placed together into a pattern they create some more interesting, unexpected moments, like five different diamond-like shapes that vary from taller to flatter, from small and almost square, to larger and oblong.

I recently discovered the website I don't really have room in our small apartment right now, but maybe some day soon when my husband and I have a bigger space and I can get a sewing machine, I'll print some of my patterns out on actual fabric and make some exciting items - upholstered furniture, curtains, throw pillows, clothes - I'm excited for the possibilities! :)

Don't forget to check back next week!


Click here to see all posts related to "Fancy/Funky Friday" 

Shameless plug time: Love my patterns? I incorporate them into a lot of the artwork I create, from stationery for Invites by Andrea to the watercolors I paint. Check out Invites by Andrea's website to see examples of these patterns in use or drop me a line at to let me know what you think!

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